Today I worshipped at the Zulu church in Emphusheni a town south and west of Durban. The service very spirited with wonderful music. The African worship music is provided by the singers in the church as they break into parts on familiar hymns like Holy Holy and others. At the end of the service the deacon asked me to offer the prayer and benediction. So I gave them the same blessing that I give each Sunday at home.
Following the service we were taken to the pastor's house for a lovely dinner of lamb and potatoes and vegetables. It was a real Sunday dinner with the deacon there as our host. After service some people initiated a phone call to the Massachusetts congregation in Rockport. They have a partnership with that church and try to call and talk on the phone. The people I am staying with also brought the church a copy of a CD showing them the Rockport church and a photo directory and letter from the pastor. These relationships are only as strong as the connections people make and the time they invest on both sides. But it was wonderful to be here and worship with them today.
After the luncheon we had to wait because the dirt rad at the church was full of people. There was a funeral passing by. They used to have funerals on Saturdays but so many people are dying of AIDS that they have them on Sundays now as well.
Durban is quite different from Cape Town. it is a much more African place with a large Indian population as well as a burgeoning Zulu population. We are staying in a condo on the Iindian ocean which is quite lovely. The sea is beautiful and has a big surf. in the distance there are always majoy tankers and ocean liners, as Durban is the busiest port on the continent.
In many ways I do now really fell that I am a world away. But in the service we talked about how we are all one through Jesus Christ and the powerful concept of his body which incorporates us all.
May the Living Christ be with you all.
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